In many warmer countries ice is used in quantity all year round. Food and drink retailers as well as hotels, rely more and more on outside suppliers of ice for convenience and to save the investment of ice-making equipment. The base line for any ice making company is to have a source of potable water and to produce in a hygienic environment. The high humidity and the propensity of water to accept contamination from the environment makes this a difficult environment to keep clean and to provide a safe, bacteria free product. Volta belts have been used in place of screw conveyors and nitrile rubber belts. Special hydrolysis-resistant belts improve this process and can inhibit the growth of fungi on belts.

Top 5 Practices for Selecting Belts in the Meat Processing Industry
Choosing the right meat conveyor belt is crucial for food safety and efficiency. Explore Volta’s expert tips for optimal performance!