Zuckerüberzug wird häufig auf weichen Gelees verwendet, um das Ankleben zu verhindern
Find out how much you can save by using our belts
Herr C. Kuijt, Ouwehand Visverwerking, Katwijk
Zuckerüberzug wird häufig auf weichen Gelees verwendet, um das Ankleben zu verhindern
Krabben und Garnelen bilden das Rückgrat mehrerer Entwicklungsländer und die Fabrikverarbeitung ist darauf ausgerichtet, die wachsende Exportnachfrage zu decken
The producer of frozen bakery croissants utilizes a deep trough conveyor to avoid using welded side wall.
Die viertwichtigste Nahrungspflanze weltweit ist die Kartoffel. 60 % der Verarbeitung werden in den am stärksten industrialisierten Ländern abgewickelt
Großproduzenten von Käse und Molkereiprodukten müssen sich mit einem fermentierten Produkt auseinandersetzen, das in Blöcken, in Scheiben geschnitten
We are Excited to Present our New Elastic Belt Specially Developed for Center-driven Tight Transfers.
Our customers in the food industry demand the most hygienic conveyor belting products.
As a long-standing retailer in Italy of Volta products, I am very proud of this collaboration, which has grown stronger and stronger over the years. Top quality products and service!
Seit 1965 hat Volta Belting Technology einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Bewegung von Produkten geleistet. Wegweisende Produktionstechniken und Riemenprodukte für Industriezweige wie die Herstellung von Keramikfliesen, das Recycling und die Automobilindustrie bis hin zur immer wichtigeren Lebensmittelindustrie. Die thermoplastischen Flachen und Positiv angetriebene Förderbänder von Volta haben hygienische Transportbänder für Lebensmittelverträgliche und Nicht Lebensmittelverträgliche-Qualität neu definiert.
Dough pump conveyors are used to process raw dough in large-scale production bakeries.
These conveyors elevate dough at a sharp incline and commonly use plied belts with bottom guides. Due to uneven loads, bakery belts often suffer from off-tracking, and slippage, which can cause fraying, tearing and the need for belt tension, leading to belt failure. A retrofit to
SuperDrive™ solves all of that, making raw dough production… as easy as pie.
When you are looking for the ideal solution to help you increase your production rate, simplify the process, slash costs and comply with regulations, it’s time for SuperDrive™!
A Positive Drive belt that solves the key mechanical problems of classic flat belts, namely, slipping and off-tracking, SuperDrive™ helps lower running costs for reduced cost of ownership, requires less hot water, provides less chemical exposure, and reduces cleaning time.
As a result, you have more time and money for production. Perfect!
Bakery lines often incorporate small pulley diameters and static ‘knife edge’ nose bars. When selecting the right belt for your business, make sure to measure the diameter/radius and, to note the wrapping angle.
Our bakery conveyor belts are specifically tailored for biscuit and pizza base cutting lines, helping make dough production simple and efficient.
Our TPE bakery conveyor belts are highly resistant to cuts and abrasion.
They are also easily repaired in the event of mechanical damage, making them robust, cost-effective, and literally, the best thing since sliced bread.