The benefits of choosing Volta thermoplastic belts for the vegetable industry

Vegetables are our most affordable source of vitamins and minerals. They are the foundation of a healthy body as they support our growth, reproduction, and overall health. Since they are consumed by virtually everyone on the planet and are perishable in nature, the sanitary harvesting, processing, and storage of vegetables are of utmost importance. 

Over the past several decades the demand for vegetables has been steadily increasing while the vegetable farming industry has been struggling to meet the demand. Not only is expanding production a factor in the difficulty of keeping up with demand but so is the fact that the operation of safely and hygienically processing vegetables is very complex and full of risk. 

Conveyor belts are one of the few plastic items permitted in direct contact with food and are typically used for hours at a time without cleaning. This creates the possibility of exposure to dangerous pathogens. Moreover, since vegetables steadily come into contact with conveyor belts, and with the widespread use of fragile modular belting, there is a risk of plastic contaminants being deposited into the flow of food due to wear and tear. This can lead to contamination and even food poisoning, harming the consumer and causing the food industry costly recalls. 

Furthermore, consumer awareness has resulted in the lobbying of governments worldwide to introduce more stringent controls on food safety while incidents of recalls have risen simultaneously.

Empowering the food processing industry to operate safely and efficiently, Volta’s innovative thermoplastic belts are the only true monolithic plastic products that promote improved hygienic conditions while lowering bacteria counts. They are homogenous and smooth, with no moving parts, thereby restricting the formation of pathogenic contamination into niches that harbor harmful organisms. They are also cut and abrasion resistant and have no ply or hinged elements that harbor bacteria, allowing for superior hygiene and cost efficiency. 

With over 50 years of experience creating superior food-grade belting, our thermoplastic belts are more advanced and hygienic than conventional fabric (plied) and modular belts. They improve food hygiene and save on costs of ownership. Volta Belting is the pivotal step between the farm and the fork – we will continue to make sure it is a safe one. 


Volta Meets international hygiene standards for quality, reliability and food contact.

FDA/USDA Approved. Declaration of Conformity verifying compliance with general requirements (article 3) in EU Regulations No.10/2011 amended by 2017/752, 1935/2004 and 2023/2006 and FDA Art. 21. CFR.177.2600.

Supports HACCP Food Safety Management Principles.

Inscríbase en nuestros boletines.

Inscríbase en nuestros boletines

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SuperDrive™ (SD)

When you are looking for the ideal solution to help you increase your production rate, simplify the process, slash costs and comply with regulations, it’s time for SuperDrive™!

A Positive Drive belt that solves the key mechanical problems of classic flat belts, namely, slipping and off-tracking, SuperDrive™ helps lower running costs for reduced cost of ownership, requires less hot water, provides less chemical exposure, and reduces cleaning time.

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Dough Pump Conveyors

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Narrow Transfers

Bakery lines often incorporate small pulley diameters and static ‘knife edge’ nose bars. When selecting the right belt for your business, make sure to measure the diameter/radius and, to note the wrapping angle.

Our bakery conveyor belts are specifically tailored for biscuit and pizza base cutting lines, helping make dough production simple and efficient.

Cutting Lines

Our TPE bakery conveyor belts are highly resistant to cuts and abrasion.

They are also easily repaired in the event of mechanical damage, making them robust, cost-effective, and literally, the best thing since sliced bread.

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