Volta Belts in Biscuits Sheeter Line


Biscuit factory from the USA


In-line pressure board Transfer conveyor.


  • To decrease the drying time of the belt after the sanitation.
  • Up to 10-12 hours loss of production due to getting the belt dry.
  • A big amount of flour being lost during production.
  • Fraying on belt edges.


Volta Embossed Bottom Aramid Cord Reinforced Belts with Texture Top.


  • ¼ of time needed for the ACR belt to dry after sanitation.
  • More flour recovered.
  • No fraying edges.


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When you are looking for the ideal solution to help you increase your production rate, simplify the process, slash costs and comply with regulations, it’s time for SuperDrive™!

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Narrow Transfers

Bakery lines often incorporate small pulley diameters and static ‘knife edge’ nose bars. When selecting the right belt for your business, make sure to measure the diameter/radius and, to note the wrapping angle.

Our bakery conveyor belts are specifically tailored for biscuit and pizza base cutting lines, helping make dough production simple and efficient.

Cutting Lines

Our TPE bakery conveyor belts are highly resistant to cuts and abrasion.

They are also easily repaired in the event of mechanical damage, making them robust, cost-effective, and literally, the best thing since sliced bread.

Complete the form for your FREE brochure on how to boost your construction business with Volta’s VaR Profile Belts.

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