

Milk powder
Milk powder
Powdered milk is a key product in many countries. It fills the gap where local farms do not supply all the needs of a given market.
Handling of blocked products on elevator application
Handling of blocked products on elevator application
Loading large blocks onto a cleated elevator belt often results in damage...
Grated cheese
Grated cheese
Large scale producers of cheese and dairy products must contend with a fermented product that is sold in blocks, sliced, soft or hard and often is sold as an ingredient like grated cheese.
Turkey processing
Turkey processing
A large turkey processor made a side-by-side comparison of Volta SuperDrive™ and conventional modular belt.
Sausage/smallgoods manufacturer
Sausage/smallgoods manufacturer
A leading European producer of poultry sausages and smallgoods uses Volta extensively on over 50 conveyors.
Poultry processing in The Netherlands
Poultry processing in The Netherlands
Holland is an important producer and exporter of processed poultry. The techniques for raising the birds have been honed to perfection and naturally, this striving for excellence has filtered through to the processors.
Frozen meat blocks elevator
Frozen meat blocks elevator
A well-known producer and seller of meat patties used modular belts for the elevation of 25kg frozen blocks into a grinder at an angle of about 85 degrees. The loading is manual and relies on workers paying close attention to the exact position of the moving belt.
Retrofit from inferior thermoplastic belt
Retrofit from inferior thermoplastic belt
A newly equipped pork abattoir commissioned a set of conveyors designed with two flat belts that transferred offal at 90 degrees on a corner. The belts used synchronized compartments comprising of full width cleats, to keep each set of organs separate until the veterinary service on site had confirmed the meat as fit for consumption.
Offal/Organ containment
Offal/Organ containment
A newly equipped pork abattoir commissioned a set of conveyors designed with two flat belts that transferred offal at 90 degrees on a corner. The belts used synchronized compartments comprising of full width cleats, to keep each set of organs separate until the veterinary service on site had confirmed the meat as fit for consumption.
Stainless Steel belt retrofit
Stainless Steel belt retrofit
Stainless steel boning and trimming belts with a non-food grade black rubber V-guides are still in use in the meat industry. These guides produce a black powder that eventually migrates to the surface requiring intermittent costly wash downs.

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