Home » V and Round (VaR) Profile Belts
V and Round
(VaR) Profile Belts
Volta has produced weldable profile belts since 1965. This technology is an integral part of several industrial sectors such as conveying roof and ceramic tiles and as “O” rings on live roller systems. The commonest shapes for profiles are trapezoid ‘V’ and Round profiles; together these are referred to as VaR. However, Volta offers a varied range of other profile shapes to order, such as T forms used on supermarket packing machines and flats for printing machines.
Innovation, Experience & Longevity
Volta’s fifty years of cooperation with key consumers of profile belts enables us to hold a massive inventory which, together with the superior dimensional accuracy, wear resistance and mechanical properties of our material, provides reliable, off the shelf solutions. Profile belts are supplied in convenient rolls for assembly on site or in a workshop. They can be ordered to high tolerance lengths from Volta fabrication centers.
Special Profiles
Trapezoid V belts are also made with pointed, roof top shapes or grooves over the V for ceramic tile glazing lines. High grip coatings or ruff top grip materials, which can be welded on, are available for stop/start operations holding products like ceramic tile and glass in place. These enhanced wear properties perform very well in tough abrasive environments. We have options for ESD/AS, metal detectable and double-V formats.
Hollow options are available and textured versions for enhanced gripping on packaging lines and stop/start operations. Food grade round profiles are commonly used on slicing lines, fruit, and vegetable sorters and on pizza topping and chocolate enrobing lines.

Are you looking for a solution?
Learn from our experience

Canning lines require special round profile belt when printing the tin sheets where the friction must be low and prevent any scratching

Automotive paint rooms need to be completely dust-free. The smallest particles can stick to the bodywork

Profile belts are the backbone of ceramic, roof tile and brick conveying. Volta has developed the most comprehensive range of options

Production lines of building materials are high output with little time for breakdowns.